Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tugas kelas XI IPA MA Assa'adah sebagai pendukung nilai UTS

to Indonesian and identfy the generic structure !
The Importance of English Language
I personally think that English is world’s most important language. Why do I say that??
Firstly, English is an international language. It spoken by many people all over the world, either as a first or second language. Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientificand technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and politic development of many countries in the world. Thirdly, English is a top requitment of those seeking job. Applicants who master English are more favorable than those who don’t.
From the fact above, it is obvious that every student should learn English to great the global era.

1. Ketik ulang naskah diatas kemudian tentukan struktur kalimatnya, baru translate
2. Ketik teks diatas menggunakan huruf times new roman ukuran 14 dan terjemahnya Arial Narrow ukuran 14. 
3. Kirim ke

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